Abis Cafe i Sucre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BoliviaAbis Cafe


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Plaza 25 de Mayo, Sucre, Provincia de Samuel Oropeza, BO Bolivien
kontakter telefon: +591 4 6460222
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Latitude: -19.0481744, Longitude: -65.2589953

kommentar 5

  • es

    Abel Arando


    Buen servicio

  • pt

    Bernardo Emmanuel


    Um café muito bom na Plaza 25 de Mayo. Dá pra tomar café observando o movimento e a cultura local na praça. O café oferece sorvetes e doces bem gostosos, além de refeições um pouco mais completas. Falta um pouco mais de espaço físico, mas talvez isso torne o café mais charmoso.

  • en

    Marco Sell


    Very nice Café with excelent cake, Icecream and Coffee. Top Service. Free WiFi .

  • en

    Jennifer Bohley


    Very cute and cozy cafe. The upstairs has more seating and a window that looks out to the plaza. Great place to relax with a coffee and enjoy the sights and sounds of downtown Sucre. The food is delicious. My first time there I had the lunch special with the curry Chicken and vegetarian soup. For dessert I had their brownie with vanilla ice cream and coffee. Everything was delicious and will be coming back.

  • Ed Wilkes

    Ed Wilkes


    Amazing fresh burritos amongst other things, great location on the main square.

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