Altiplano Hotel Boutique i Tarija

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BoliviaAltiplano Hotel Boutique


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Av Belgrano E-1640, Villa Fatima, Tarija, Bolivien
kontakter telefon: +591
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Latitude: -21.539217, Longitude: -64.719502

kommentar 5

  • Ethan Jorgensen

    Ethan Jorgensen


    A beautifully designed boutique hotel with very friendly and helpful owner/operators. Definitely not your typical Bolivian hotel.

  • Jonathan White

    Jonathan White


    This place was amazing. Such a beautiful place to stay, lovely clean comfortable rooms with great facilities. Can't fault it on anything. Breakfast was great, WiFi was reliable (which is a rarity in these areas) and the hosts were more than friendly with great knowledge of the city and how to get around. They went out of their way for us. If I come back to Tarija, wouldn't stay anywhere else.

  • en

    Kyla Sanderson


    Great place. Great location. Would recommend staying there when in Tarija. Nice authentic rooms with style you won't find anywhere else in Bolivia. Great service, the owners are extremely friendly and helpful.

  • Syntyche Davis

    Syntyche Davis


    “Highly Recommended” Loved staying here. Very comfortable beds, great service and a lovely breakfast too. Would deffinately stay again. Very modern and clean. 5+ service from Martin and Louise. We stayed in the 'Red Room' - loved the spa bath and huge shower. Room Tip: We used the Red room, which comes with bubbly, chocolates and a spa bath. 5 of 5 stars Sleep Quality 5 of 5 stars Rooms 5 of 5 stars Service

  • en

    Naomi Trotter


    What a delightful experience. The hosts are lovely and the breakfast to die for. Showers are hot and the beds are comfy. The air conditioning works wonders. I would recommend this as the best place I've stayed in Bolivia.

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