Biocentro Guembe Mariposario i Departamento de Santa Cruz

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BoliviaBiocentro Guembe Mariposario



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Provincia de Andrés Ibáñez, Bolivia
kontakter telefon: +591 3 3700700
internet side:
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Latitude: -17.7683611, Longitude: -63.2472099

kommentar 5

  • Veronica Sanz

    Veronica Sanz


    Mi máxima experiencia en Sta. Cruz de la energía vibra a mil...excelente.lugar para encontrarse ...

  • es

    Nelly Mesia


    Lugar espectacular,,bello todo buena atención,buen espacio para relajarse y olvidarse todas las cosa que nos agobia, Me encantó

  • Victor Hugo Quintanilla Coro

    Victor Hugo Quintanilla Coro


    Podría ser el mejor parque de Bolivia. Natural, relajador, hermosa variedad de fauna y flora. La atención es muy esmerada.

  • pt

    Everson Almeida


    Amei o lugar. Tudo limpo e. Bem organizado. Atendimento excelente, comida boa e preços muito bom. Logo logo vou voltar..

  • en

    Hayco De Haan


    It's a nice place for a daytrip. Maybe it's because it wasn't high season, but there were some parts of the park that seemed neglected. At the lagoon a platform was broken as was a part of the pailing, so water from the lagoon was floating over the walking paths and -stairs. The cabins and other residential stays looked very luxurious, but abandoned (and some of them had their doors open, so you could just walk in). Furthermore, very loud dance music was played at one of the swimming pools that you could hear through the whole park. On top of that, people were yelling and screaming. The different swimming pools are gorgeous though. As were the parts where the animals were being kept (especially the birds!). We also recommend to open your eyes for the animals outside the cages though! We liked the statue garden very much (in contrast, this part was very well maintained). The food in the restaurant however, is very expensive and the buffet is definitely not worth the costs.

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