Celtic Cross i Sucre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BoliviaCeltic Cross


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Grau, Sucre, Provincia de Samuel Oropeza, BO Bolivia
kontakter telefon: +591
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Latitude: -19.0523843, Longitude: -65.2546169

kommentar 5

  • Drew Fridley

    Drew Fridley


    I wish I had photos to share because the photos on here do not do this place justice. The owner keeps the place very clean. Full kitchen. Two refrigerators. Many spices. Great wifi. A great atmosphere to meet other travelers. Any blankets. The only thing I wish was better are the beds. Too soft and in the shape of a taco. It offers Spanish lessons and if you take four hours a day, 5 days a week, you do not have to pay for your room. $5 a night and each fourth night is free.

  • en

    Anna Jansson


    Friendly place with great kitchen and a small terrace on the roof. The mattress had seen better days and the dorm was quite noisy. Good value.

  • en

    Korinna Schiefelbein


    I wanted to stay here and a (still) drunk employee got aggressive towards me as I woke him up at 10am. I left immediately. Don't stay here.

  • Aaron Mitchell

    Aaron Mitchell


    Very simple, cheap accommodation but the atmosphere here is great! There is a room with a TV and plenty of movies (including an Xbox 360) and the kitchen has everything you need, including a spice rack! The owners are incredibly friendly and will help you out with anything you need. There is also an area to wash and dry your clothes yourself which is great! The beds are incredibly comfortable and very warm at night! I'm incredibly happy with what this hostel offers with the price we're paying for the room!

  • Janilee Porter

    Janilee Porter


    Great vib, awesome hosts, handy to major attractions!

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