Oberland i La Paz

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Avenida Circunvalación Alto Florida, La Paz, BO Bolivia
kontakter telefon: +591 2 2745040
internet side: www.h-oberland.com
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Latitude: -16.567659, Longitude: -68.089522

kommentar 5

  • Sandra Mejia

    Sandra Mejia


    A very cozy place to stay

  • Alistair Matthew

    Alistair Matthew


    Great. Swiss quality in Bolivia. You can't ask for more.

  • Cecy Gzz

    Cecy Gzz


    My reference is only about the restaurant. The few bolivian options they have are unlike the bolivian style. The Lechón comes with a sauce that is not present in the original. The other time I tried the Pique and it was on it's highest level of spicy, eating Mexican and Indian this was unbearable. So stick to the grilled meat and Swiss options.

  • Peter J Ricci

    Peter J Ricci


    Oberland Hotel was where I would stay for two nights in La Paz. Check in was a little rough as no one spoke English and they only wanted cash in USD, even though I could clearly see a credit card machine. You need to fill in a guest form (always annoying) and then are taken to your room. The rooms are spacious and pretty cool actually. The bedding is nice and with views of the courtyard and restaurant. I was able to park my motorbike securely around the back and through remote controlled gates that they operate from inside (if someone was at desk) The manager was nice, but their processes for checkout were painful. There were some other people there, but the hotel was mostly empty. Facilities were ok, BBQ area, and they have a restaurant and bar with food reasonably priced. Rooms are good and quite spacious. With Air-conditioning. Wi-Fi was poor with 1.8 Mbps download and 0.5 Mbps upload. Shop at the complex on the ground floor had basic groceries and staff very nice. I was able to park my bike securely. I was tired and so did all of my chores and fell asleep around 11 pm.

  • Gerhard Arnsdorff

    Gerhard Arnsdorff


    The Restaurant has Swiss options as well as Bolivian options, which are delicious. The staff is very nice and friendly. It is located in a beautiful place.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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