Restaurante Tika i Uyuni

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BoliviaRestaurante Tika



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Ruta Nacional 5, Uyuni, Antonio Quijarro, BO Bolivia
kontakter telefon: +591
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.4591451, Longitude: -66.8204801

kommentar 5

  • en



    they dont serve food before 6 even if they open at 4

  • Mark Symons

    Mark Symons


    I gotta say I was rather impressed by this little gem! Uyuni is rather isolated, actually very isolated, it’s a dry harsh and remote! Perched on the edge of the Salt Flats,the largest highest and bloody coldest salt planes in the world - this makes Uyuni one tough place to build a restaurant of any standard. The decor is equal to any fine style restaurant in most international major cities. The service and attention is above average - unsure where they find their staff, I imagine they are local and if so there has been an incredible amount of time and effort that has gone into training to get them to this level. The food presentation and taste too was commendable. Remember this is a dessert, no fresh produce for hundreds of kilometers! So to deliver food of this quality takes extraordinary effort. So while you enjoy Tika - not just appreciate everything before you but take a moment and consider what it takes to do all this in one of the remotest places on the planet!

  • Carlos Russo

    Carlos Russo


    Nice Restaurant with nice ambiente and delicious food to a fair price. Definitely the best one in Uyuni.

  • Nora Mc

    Nora Mc


    Pretty good food. We had beef medallions and burger (not cold as other person suggested). Presentation of dishes is very modern with wooden boards and no plates. Beef cooked well as was burger. Pricy place (over 50bs for mains).

  • en

    lior kaminer


    The dishes were really unique and fun to taste, with great presentation, attentive service and a good ambience. The soup with volcanic rock was the highlight. However, prices were relatively high, portions were small and the taste was nothing extraordinary (everything was lacking salt / some spices). Very good choice if you're not on a budget and find yourself looking for a meal in Uyuni... A bit far from the center (~7-10 minutes walk)

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