Terminal de Ómnibuses de Oruro-Centro i Oruro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BoliviaTerminal de Ómnibuses de Oruro-Centro


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Rajka Bakovic, Oruro, Cercado, BO Bolivia
kontakter telefon: +591
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Latitude: -17.9615089, Longitude: -67.1043597

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abel Martín Millán


    Couldn't even get inside. Police officer told me to walk away and deal with the bus company at the new bus terminal. However, that's not possible as many companies have refused to move to the new terminal

  • loco_ 666

    loco_ 666


    No es una buena terminal ya que es pequeña, los buses son impuntuales en su mayoría, sus baños son horribles y no recomiendo comprar pasajes con anticipación ya que me hicieron pasar rabias más de una vez... esa debería ser terminal interprovincial, no interdepartamental...

  • es

    Marco Ruben Huarachi Mendoza


    Yo vio ahi es hermoso visitenlo

  • Bethany Hughes

    Bethany Hughes


    An average, worn down, busy South American bus station. 1 peso to use the bathroom. Warranting the low review for having been physically assaulted by one of the people who try to charge 1.50 for "uso terminal". We refused to pay as we had bought tickets and he physically chased us and tried to block us from getting on the bus. It seems Bolivia's iteration of socialism is "you pay for everything."

  • Desmond Hui

    Desmond Hui


    Located close to the centre. Frequent departures for both domestic and international destinations.

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